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October 15, 2018
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December 22, 2021Why Video Marketing Is A Powerful Tool for Your Business?
If you’re an entrepreneur, a marketing professional, or an individual with their finger on the pulse of online trends, chances are you’re aware of the significance of video marketing. In fact, you may have even been beaten over the head with it! And while you may be moving towards including video in your marketing plan, you may not be fully aware of its impact, let alone some of the logic and science behind it.

5 Key Points to Consider with Video Marketing
There are a few key points you’ll want to think about when considering the power of video marketing. The perfect starting point is to consider the downsides of traditional written content in your advertising. Yes, there’s an irony in outlining this in a written article. However, this is meant as an informative piece to other professionals, not as a marketing piece for potential customers.
1. Written content struggles to establish trust and credibility with your customer base. It can be a real challenge to emphasize the correct part of your sentences and put enough personality and identity into your text. Think of how many times you’ve misconstrued the tone of a text message or email. Now think of how many times your potential customers have read your content and interpreted it in a different way than you had intended when you wrote it.
2. A significant aspect of establishing trust is to humanize your brand and your company. Customers prefer to do business with companies that have some personality and human elements, as opposed to cold, faceless corporations. Video marketing can showcase that humanity in ways written content simply cannot.
3. Viewers retain 95% of your marketing message when it is exposed to them through video, compared to 10% when your message is read through plain text. Plus, there’s a fairly simple reason for those results when you think about it. When people read, they’re in a critical-thinking mindset. They’re focused on seeking out information through the text, interpreting it, and making decisions based on that data. Compare that with the mindset they’re in when watching video content. Their mind is on autopilot. It’s relaxed; it’s a guard-down type of mentality that allows for your marketing message to be easily absorbed. It also means you don’t have to penetrate through any friction that may exist when customers are deep in thought. Less friction = more conversions.
4. Video is also a more natural, engaging form of media as well. Think of the percentage of our population that uses their spare time to read novels compared to those that watch TV or movies. Video content has a particular pull and magnetism to it. So, it’s no surprise that just by mentioning ‘video’ in your marketing email’s subject line, that open rate jumps 13%. Customers want to watch videos. They’re easy ways to digest information. Video advertising has the #1 click-through-rate of all online advertising methods with a staggering 1.84%! That means 1 in 55 people watching your video are resonating with your message and clicking through to learn more, which is incredible!
And if you consider the movement away from print and direct mail campaigns, it’s no surprise that Diode Digital recently found that online video is 600% more effective than those 2 marketing methods combined. Lastly, video content has an entertainment value that other content just doesn’t have. This fact explains why video ads get 1200% more shares than written or image posts combined on social media platforms.
5. The final major point to consider is the mind-boggling size of the audience for video content. In the U.S. alone, 75 million Americans are watching something on YouTube every day. Worldwide, that translates into 500 million hours of videos being watched every single day. [link to source?] Imagine serving up your video ad to even the tiniest fraction of that audience. The impressions our clients get when advertising with video blows anything else out of the water.

Your Next Step to Incorporating Video into Your Marketing Plan
If you take these stats and the logic behind video’s quick rise to prominence, it’s really no surprise that so much importance is placed on incorporating video into your marketing plan. You can boost not only your results but also the interactions you have with your audience to build trust and credibility.
For more information on adding video to your marketing mix, or getting a video created for your business, please feel free to message our team directly. Contact Us